July 8, 2015 "Take me out to the Ball Game.... P-Day and the Minnesota Twins game!!
July 8, 2015:
"President & Sister Forbes, Sister Coleman & me"
Today we went to the
Minnesota Twins game! We had the Minnetonka Sisters ride with us, since the
stadium is in our area. We couldn't find parking anywhere! We were getting so frustrated!
We said a prayer and I pulled up to a place for $25 parking! Heavenly Father
answers all of our prayers when we have faith! President bought all the
missionaries within an hour away of the field tickets! The Twins played the
Baltimore's Orioles....and guess what; the Twins won! It was really cool to be
at Target Field stadium. It was so big! The Twins were also promoting
#votedozier for the American League All Stars, so that was cool. They had 2
home runs in a row and the stadium went crazy! It was so funny to see all of us
missionaries in a section...especially the Elders with their white shirts and
ties! I am pretty sure you could see all of us a mile away! I think everyone
got sunburned... luckily it turned into a tan for me:) It was super fun to see
some of my MTC buddies, Elder Lowe & Oliver! Elder Ford was also there even
though he is out of our area; since he was on exchanges with the AP's! After
the game we talked about how Aunt Sue knows his Aunt and they both emailed us!
Funny how small the world is! We took a pic together to send to our Aunties!
After the game we took a ton of fun pictures! When we got home we went to the
Clements for dinner! They recently moved into the ward. We had dinner with them
a couple of weeks ago. They just moved here from Colorado. They have a 1 year
old baby girl named Taryn. It is so fun because she really likes us! After that
we set some goals in the car while driving. We saw Jenna sitting outside and
went to talk to her. It turns out that Elder Roberts and Chao, were coming over
to bless her home! They all asked if we would like to join them. It was a
really cool
experience. The member who
came with the Elders is going on a mission soon to SLC. It was his first time “blessing a home” so
that was really cool! Afterwards, I had a really good conversation with the
Zone Leaders about goal setting. As I am now half way, I have done a lot of
pondering about the things I have accomplished thus far on my mission and
things I want to accomplish before I go home. I hope and pray I can be one with
my Heavenly Father and our Savior Jesus Christ's plan for me and the work He
has for me to do here.
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